Key Event Takeaways

Members of the RebuildPC planning team are engaging with citizens to gain participation in the recovery process. Click on the links to share your ideas for the future of Panama City and view key takeaways from the recent community meetings.

   Town Halls

Community Recovery Town Hall

Education Town Hall

Volunteer Organizations & Non-Profits Town Hall

   Community Wide Events & Meetings

Hands-On Design Session

Closing Presentation

Ward 3 Meeting

Ward 4 Meeting

Ward 1 Meeting

Ward 2 Meeting

Meeting with Officials

   Focus Groups

High School Students Focus Group

Educators Focus Group

Non-Profits & Volunteer Focus Group

Faith-Based Focus Group

Hospitality & Tourism Focus Group

Arts & Artists Focus Group

College Students Focus Group

Local Business/Property Owners Focus Group

Dealerships & Small Business Focus Group

Military/Families/ Contractors Focus Group

Access & Functional Needs Focus Group

Mental Health/Medical Professionals Focus Group

Stormwater Focus Group

Housing Focus Group

Architects/Contractors Focus Group

Transportation Focus Group

Economic Development Focus Group

Restoration & Energy Infrastructure Focus Group