June 19th | Transportation (Motorized & Non-Motorized) Focus Group
Key Takeaways
- Many residents view accessible walking and biking trails along the waterfront as a priority for improving the quality of life in the City of Panama City.
- The City and its residents are very concerned about making sure that transportation is accessible to everyone, particularly to anyone with access and functional needs. Accessibility concerns include sidewalks without markings to denote the curb, buses without accommodations for the deaf and blind, and crosswalks without speakers.
- Many residents are interested in seeing some of the less conventional modes of transportation return to the City, including water taxis. These taxis have been most successful as a seasonal mode of transportation that can also be a draw for tourists.
- Future planning for the City needs to include considerations for bicyclists. Bike lanes and bike paths will help increase safety for bicyclists and improve traffic flow for motorists.