June 19th  |  Ward 1 Recovery Planning Meeting

Key Takeaways

  • Infrastructure is a keystone for recovery in Ward 1, including transportation, water, sewer, stormwater, and utilities. Residents discussed how infrastructure needs to be restored to Category 5 level protection against storms to increase resilience and limit cascading impacts of infrastructure damage.
  • Code enforcement is a major priority for the residents of the Ward, for both residential and commercial properties. This includes both post-storm and pre-storm code enforcement violations.
  • Participants discussed how attracting companies and people to the downtown will not just revitalize the downtown, but support payment for other needed projects in the Ward,
    including infrastructure projects.
  • Participants discussed how students are being encouraged to study STEM fields, however there is a lack of STEM jobs in the City of Panama City. STEM jobs need to be brought to the City of Panama City in order for the youth to be attracted to stay.
  • Restoring McKenzie Park is a high priority. This is an asset of the downtown, and restoring the area will also increase the feeling of safety and security in the area.
  • The City should encourage the development of civic and community groups in the Ward, and across the City. These groups can identify and help meet the needs of the residents.